MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is an examination using a magnetic field imaging machine. Used in the diagnosis of patient lesions to be used in the treatment and follow up on treatment results. Based on the magnetic properties of hydrogen atoms (Hydrogen, H). Which are the main components within the human body. Such as water molecules (H2O), etc.
When the patient is under the electromagnetic field. The device emits radio waves of a specific frequency. (Radiofrequency) to stimulate the organ system to be examined. When an organ is stimulated, its energy level changes according to a physical process called resonance. The atoms inside the body emit energy. There will be a receiving device that has come out. UFABET Then converted to a picture signal on the screen.
Advantages of MRI.
- Able to provide images that can clearly differentiate between different tissues, which is a diagnosis that is accurate and highly accurate due to good tissue differentiation can do many planes
- It can be used to check every system of the body. Particularly in the non-bony parts (non bony parts) are tissues (soft tissues) such as the brain system, spine. Nerves in the body (muscles, tendons, etc.)
- MRI scans are more detailed than computed tomography (CT) scans.
- There are many special examination techniques such as examination for patients with acute ischemic stroke. biochemical level detection to distinguish the type of lump and examination of blood vessels throughout the body, etc.
- not causing any pain to the patient’s body Including no danger from residual radiation. Because there is no risk of injecting contrast material and catheterization for color injection. therefore has higher security