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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Why do you sleep for 8 hours and still not refreshed?

It’s strange but true. raised to refute the belief about sleeping according to the 8-10 hour formula  Waking up but not feeling refreshed Shows that the level of sleep is only in the shallow sleep phase. does not go into deep sleep This is why the popularity of using smartwatches is

10 Benefits of Pumpkin, Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin is a source of potassium and beta-carotene, which contains carotenoids, a precursor to vitamin A. Pumpkin also contains minerals, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin B. 1. Does eating pumpkin make your skin beautiful? Because pumpkin is rich in vitamins C and

What is nosebleed? Understand it and be aware of it.

“Nosebleed” or “Epistaxis” is a nose bleeding that can be divided into 2 parts: nose bleeding from the front of the nose. “Which is usually not serious, and nose bleeding from the back of the nasal cavity. Which is an area with larger blood vessels in the front,

Basil seeds with precautions before taking to lose weight

Basil seeds are herbs that are round and long, black. When soaked in water, they can swell up to 45 times and are covered in mucus. There are many benefits to the body. Benefits of basil seeds How to eat basil seeds to get the benefits

6 important goals To aim to reduce high blood pressure

6 important goals To aim to reduce high blood pressure High blood pressure It is a serious health threat that is hidden in the health of more and more Thai people. People with high blood pressure is a person with a systolic pressure greater than

How to choose oil? Finish with just one bottle.

How to choose oil? Finish with just one bottle. During the time when we were spending most of our time working at home, There are probably more people starting to turn to cooking their own food at home. And of course, cooking many dishes requires

Solve the problem of cracked heels easily with natural formulas.

The problem of cracked heels may cause us quite a bit of concern. Especially when taking off your shoes. Make your visible to others. It causes insecurity and some people have symptoms. It may even cause the heel to crack and ooze blood. Feeling pain when walking. Treating cracked heels will not