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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

My baby doesn’t burp but farts instead.

Burping your baby or holding in a burp position is a method to help expel gas or air that occurs during breastfeeding from the stomach, through the digestive tract, and then expel the gas through your baby’s mouth, making your little one feel comfortable and

Lmportant nutritional values of tamarind

Incorporating Tamarind into your diet can help you meet your daily nutritional needs. Tamarind is a medium to large tree with many branches. The bark of the tree is thick and rough. The leaflets are parallelogram shaped, with rounded leaf tips and bases. The flowers

Fruits that are often eaten to help relieve constipation

Constipation is a common problem in daily life and is a source of annoyance for many people. Eating fruits is a natural way to effectively relieve constipation. Many fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which is an important component that helps increase the volume and

Vitamin B reduces acne, clear face, helps restore the body!

Vitamin B may be another option for treating acne and other acne-related conditions. Most acne vitamins are in foods, skincare products, and some supplements. Vitamin B is a vitamin that is commonly in pork, fish, grains, brown rice, and green vegetables. There is not just

Choosing a ripe avocados and how to peel it

Avocado is a fruit that originated in the Americas. It is popularly grown in countries such as Mexico, the United States, Guatemala, and the West Indies. Today, avocados is one of the most popular fruits worldwide, especially among Europeans and Americans who like to use

Foods that breastfeeding mothers should avoid

Breast milk is the best food for infants because it contains nutrients necessary for growth. And helps strengthen infants’ immune systems. Recommends that infants from birth to 6 months drink only breast milk and should continue breastfeeding up to 2 years of age along with

Benefits of drinking lemon water mixed with warm water.

Drinking lemon water mixed with warm water in the morning is good for your body, helps your health in many ways, plus it is a healthy drink menu that is easy to make with just fresh lemon and warm water. There’s really no big secret

Easy ways to help your bones grow stronger.

Bones are important organs and structures that keep the body in shape. They are the attachment sites for muscles and tendons, and they are also a protective shield for internal organs such as the bones of the skull that protect the brain. Therefore, we should

Why does the body need vitamin D?

Vitamin D has the main function of helping to absorb calcium. And phosphorus from food and maintaining the level of these minerals in the blood to be normal. Which is necessary for growth and strengthening of bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis, osteoporosis. In addition, it

How to Manage Stress.

Stress is an emotional state of people who have to face various problems, feel uncomfortable, anxious, feel pressured. Many times we tend to be stressed without realizing it because people tend to react to stress differently. Because when we are stressed, we will show it