Vitamin B may be another option for treating acne and other acne-related conditions. Most acne vitamins are in foods, skincare products, and some supplements.

Vitamin B is a vitamin that is commonly in pork, fish, grains, brown rice, and green vegetables. There is not just one type of vitamin B, สมัคร ufabet กับเรา รับโบนัสทันที. The types that can be use as acne-reducing vitamins are as follows:
- Vitamin B3: Vitamin B3, also known as niacinamide, is an acne-fighting vitamin with anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce redness and inflammation of acne. Vitamin B3 can be in skin care products as well as foods such as eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and fish.
- Vitamins B2 and B6 have properties that help nourish the skin and remove dead skin cells to make the skin look healthy. They also have properties that help control excess oil, which is a cause of acne. Vitamins B2 and B6 work well together if taken with vitamin C. Anyone with acne problems is advis to take these vitamins together for effective acne treatment.
- Vitamin B5: Helps increase skin elasticity and moisture, reducing oil production on the skin that often causes acne, acne inflammation, and can exfoliate and repair skin cells better, thus reducing inflammation and healing acne scars faster.
Acne-reducing vitamins can help cure acne, reduce acne on the skin. And make acne marks such as dark spots and red marks disappear faster. There are many vitamins that can help, but not all vitamins are acne-reducing vitamins. You have to choose the right vitamins to reduce acne in order to see results.
However, those with acne problems should use various self-care methods along. With taking acne-reducing vitamins, such as washing the face or areas with acne twice a day, using cosmetics. Or skin care products that do not cause clogging, and avoiding squeezing or picking at acne. If acne does not improve or becomes more severe, see a dermatologist for proper treatment.