Rules for eating vegetables and fruits help keep the body fit.

During this Covid period How to eat fruits and vegetables? To enough for the body. It helps to act as a shield against various germs. This fruit eating rule is the answer.
1. Eat 400 grams of vegetables per day: or easily thought of as 50% of the plate eaten at each meal.
2. Eat 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit: 1 portion is equal to approximately 80 grams.
3. Eat a variety of vegetables, all 5 colors: including green, red, orange-yellow, purple-blue. and white-brown
4. Must contain at least 30 grams of grains: In 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, there must be at least 30 grams of grains and nuts.
Food is the fuel that allows us to function, โปรโมชั่น ufabet think and produce. The right foods build us up and burn slowly to release energy when needed. Food to keep is you fit is balanced healthy meals that consist of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruit, and dairy. A healthy eating pyramid for a ‘normal person’ looks like this:
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