Burping your baby or holding in a burp position is a method to help expel gas or air that occurs during breastfeeding from the stomach, through the digestive tract, and then expel the gas through your baby’s mouth, making your little one feel comfortable and not have stomach cramps or stomach bloating from releasing the gas. This method of burping your baby will help reduce discomfort, flatulence, crying, and flatulence in babies.

The way to hold the baby’s burp is by stroking up or down. You can also stroking in circles or by gently patting the back. It depends on which method you try and works best for your baby.
Before burping your baby, โปรโมชั่นพิเศษจาก UFABET สมัครตอนนี้ รับโบนัสทันที, you should prepare a clean cloth to support your baby’s chin because the baby may spit up milk. Parents can burp their baby in many ways, depending on their ability and convenience. Each time you burp your baby, you should do it for about 2–3 minutes.
The best time to burp your baby is when they are no older than 6 months. After this period, the baby’s body will start to grow, the digestive system will develop more completely according to their age, and the problem of gas in the stomach will start to decrease. The frequency with which you should burp your baby will vary for each child.
Some children may have a higher chance of gas in the stomach, such as children who drink from a bottle because they tend to drink milk faster, which increases the chance that the child will swallow more air.
Basically, parents can follow the following criteria:
- For breastfed babies, burp them every time you change sides of the breast.
- For babies who drink from a bottle, burp them after they have drunk about 60–90 ml of milk.
Sometimes, stomach gas may not exit your baby’s body in the form of burps. Stomach gas can also exit your baby’s body in the form of farts. If your baby farts instead of burping and does not show any signs of irritability, discomfort or other stomach discomfort, you can stop burping.
However, if your baby still shows symptoms of stomach discomfort due to gas or wind in the stomach, try massaging the stomach or doing a bicycle exercise to relieve the symptoms.