How to choose oil? Finish with just one bottle.

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How to choose oil? Finish with just one bottle.

During the time when we were spending most of our time working at home, There are probably more people starting to turn to cooking their own food at home. And of course, cooking many dishes requires the use of oil. Therefore, if you choose oil to use There are two important things to consider:  

1. What type of fatty acids does the oil use contain?

2. Smoke point of the oil used Is it suitable for the type of food that will be prepared?

And during the time when everyone must be quarantined at home. Try to go out as little as possible. Therefore, we may have to look for a type of oil that is good for our health. And can be used to cover both stir-frying and frying in one bottle. We should choose oil that has all the following properties:

1. It is an oil that contains monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in a higher proportion than saturated fatty acids. To reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

2. It is an oil with a high smoke point. Which can use to cook food that uses high heat such as deep frying or stir frying on high heat to reduce the risk of free radicals

Considering the above properties. It was found that rice bran oil, peanut oil tea seed oil and canola oil It is an option suitable for use in every food menu.

So what happens if we choose the wrong type of oil? 

Oils that have a high proportion of saturated fatty acids, such as lard and palm oil, are suitable for frying. But it can increase cholesterol levels. Especially bad cholesterol (LDL) increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

Some oils are even beneficial because ยูฟ่าเบท they contain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in higher proportions than saturated fatty acids. This reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease. But it was found that they usually had a low smoke point. Which is not suitable for frying Because when put through high heat. There will be a greater chance of free radicals or carcinogens. Therefore, it is more suitable for use in stir frying than frying. such as soybean oil.

Using lard and coconut oil is not recommend. That is, even though lard makes food more fragrant and delicious. But because lard is an oil that has a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. and has gone through several steps of heating. Therefore, there may be free radicals that can increase the risk of cancer. Coconut oil is the oil with the highest proportion of saturated fatty acids. and has very low amounts of MUFA PUFA fatty acids Therefore, it can greatly increase cholesterol and the risk of disease.

Even though the correct type of oil has selecte. But if we choose to eat a menu that has a lot of oil in every meal It will cause us to get too much energy from such food. Especially during this time when many people people at home There may be little body movement. It will increase the chance that we will get excess energy and become fat. Therefore, you should set a quota for eating fried food or food. That is fried in oil, such as omelets and fried mackerel, no more than 1 time per day.